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January 19 Bryzelius conducted the Bible study. Döling preached in Maguntshe. At four o'clock in the morning, Br. Huber rode on horseback to Nazareth to report to the congregation about the accident at that place. Br. Pyrlaeus preached about the lowliness of the noble boy, Jesus. There were quite a number of strangers present. Br. Nitschmann returned from his visit to the country. Here and there, especially in the Oley mountains and at Heidelberg, he had met many souls who had had no knowledge of us and who had listened eagerly to his testimony about Jesus. He considered it most essential for the Wheel to search out these souls everywhere and to bring them peace. He also had had many requests for schoolmasters. Speaking was held for the brethren and sisters in preparation for Communion. Pyrlaeus conducted it for the Indian brethren who arrived today from Shecomeko. Gideon, Lucas, Josua, Mary, and our Thomas ate and drank the body and precious blood of Jesus with us. Andreas and Benjamin, who had not partaken of it as yet, witnessed it with glowing hearts. At five o'clock the lovefeast began, which consisted of bread and water. The congregation remembered our dear Br. Ludwig's departure [from Bethlehem], which had taken place just a year ago, and what a small number we then were as we went to the Meal of the Lamb. Now, however, we are more than 160, even though the Savior has been very severe, and has not permitted some twenty or more to participate. We rejoiced at the growing number of believers and wished they would increase so much that our folds and stalls would be too small. In contrast to its joy, the congregation was sorrowful because of Br. Georg Kremser's departure in such a way and the home-going of Sr. Bruker in Saint Thomas, when there is so great a shortage of female Workers there. Soon after the Footwashing and the Laying on of Hands, which took place with indescribable emotion on the part of the congregation, the Meal of Jesus' Warriors was held in memory of His death and for new strength in spirit, soul, and body. Pyrlaeus served those who were sick. Eight on this side of the river and six on the other could not join us because they were not feeling well. Following the tender Kiss of Love, due to the lack of room we knelt in worship of the Lamb, and the Te Christum laudamus was sung, the Choirs taking successive parts. The address prior to Communion was exceptional; it was on the watchword for today regarding the Savior's presence in His congregation and our abiding near His wounds and among His people. Br. Ludw. Hübner and Sr. Christina Krafft partook of Communion with the congregation for the first time to the abiding blessing of their hearts. We dispersed after one o'clock at night, and we all commended ourselves to the shrine of the wound hole.