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"Fair use" Citation
The following guidelines are
recommended when citing "fair use" non-commercial publication of materials from the Bethlehem Digital History Project.
Book: author's name;
title; name of editor, compiler, or translator; publication information;
electronic publisher (project name); date material was accessed; electronic
Ogden, John C. An Excursion
into Bethlehem & Nazareth, in Pennsylvania, in the Year 1799, With a
Succinct History of the United Brethren, Commonly Called Moravians.
Philadelphia, 1805. Bethlehem Digital History Project. Bethlehem
Area Public Library, Reeves Library, Moravian University and Theological
Seminary. 7 Oct. 2000 <>.
Project: title; electronic
publication information; name of sponsoring institution; date of electronic
publication; date material was accessed; electronic address.
Bethlehem Digital History
Project. 2000. Bethlehem Area Public Library, Reeves Library, Moravian University and Theological Seminary. 7 Oct. 2000. <>
The above guidelines are based
on the Mondern Language Association recommendations.
For more detailed information on MLA styles, see the MLA Handbook for
Writers of Research Papers or the MLA Style Manual and Guide to
Scholarly Publishing .
Updated: 1 September 2005