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June 25, 1742

English Translation

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Monday, June 14[Old Style] 25[New Style] [1742] 
Bro. Ludwig, Anna [Nitschmann], Benigna [von Zinzendorfl, Anton [Seiffert], and [David] Bruce spent the day at Nazareth. 

Here [i.e. in Bethlehem] the bands and classes were organized, both  of the Hausgemeine and the Pilgergemeine

In the Singstunde Bro. Ludwig spoke very impressively and profoundly about man's state as a sinner and his awareness of being a sinner, basing his remarks on Numbers 24:21, the watchword for today: Strong is thy dwelling place, and thou puttest thy nest in a rock. The five holy wounds of Thine, etc. This [he said] was something that could neither be imitated nor taken for granted but something regarding which it became immediately apparent under given circumstances whether one possessed it or not, and it was so to speak the Schiboleth [shibboleth] by means of which souls are known. 

Then the bands were announced in the following order: and The Haus-Gemeine consists of the following brethren sisters: 

I  The Classes of the Married People, grouped  together: 

1. [Johannesl Brandmüller and Rosina Nitsch [mann] [
Georg and Elisabeth] Harten 
[Heinrich and Anna Catharina] Sensemann 
[David and Rosinal Zeisberger 
[Matthias and Anna Maria] Seibold 
Gotthard [and Regina Demuth] 

2. [Abraham and Judith] Meinung 
[Heinrich and Rosina] Almers 
[Johann David and Anna Catharina] Bischof* 
[This symbol indicates that this matter had been submitted to ,the lot.]
[David and Maria Elisabeth] Wahnert* 
[George and Maria Elisabeth] Weber 

3. Widowers 
with Bro. Brandmüller 
"Father" Dav. Nitschmann 
Gottlieb Haberecht 
David Tanneberger 
4. Unattached Women 
Rosina Nitschmann 
Catharina Rosa 

II Bands of Single Brethren 

1. with [Johann] Adolph Meyer 
[Johann Christoph] Heine 
[Christian] Werner 
Daniel Österlein 

2. with Andr. Eschenbach 
and [Gottlieb] Haberecht 
[Georg] Heidecker 
Mich. Huber* 
Joseph Müller 

3. with Anton Seifert 
Dav. Zeisberger Jr. 
Georg Schneider* 
Thomas [Hardie] 

4. with Anton Seifert 
assisted by [Georg] Neisser [
Johann] Georg Ender** 
Georg Kaske 
Abraham Buninger 
Jacob Dudweiler [or Detweiler] 
G. Wiesner 
Matth. Wittke 

I The Classes of the Married People 
1. [Abraham and Judith] Meinung 
[Johannes and Maria Barbara] Brucker 
Mich. and [Anna Rosina] Tanneberger 
Mich. Dav. and [Johanna Maria] Miksch 

2. Men 
Bro. Ludwig [Zinzendorf] 
[Johannes] Brandmüller 
[Johann] Adolph Meyer 
Johannes [Wasampa] the Indian 

II Single Brethren 
a. Andreas Eschenbach 
Anton Seifert 
Christ. [Heinrich] Rauch
[Christian] Gottlieb Israel 
b. without a leader 
[Johann] Willh. Zander 
Joh. Hagen 
J. C. Pyrlaeus 
David Bruce 
Anton Seifert 
Nathan. Seidel 
Georg Neisser 
Jacob Lischy 
d. Andr. Eschenbach 
Joh. Böner* 
Gottlieb Bezold 
[Johann] Reinhard Ronner 
e. Anton Seifert 
[Christian] Friedrich Post 
Leonh. Schnell* 
Philipp Meurer 

III Bands of Young Women 
1 . Anna [Nitschmann] 
Benigna Z[inzendorf] 
[Maria] Magdalena Vend 
Molly Benezet 

2. Anna [Nitschmann] 
Susanna Benezet 
Esther Robins 
Judith Benezet 

3. Anna [Nitschmann] 
[Johanna] Magd. Müller 
[Anna] Margar. Disman 

4. Anna [Nitschmann] 
Magdalena [a Negress] 
Hanna Hummel 
Elisab. Braun 
Bands of Boys 
Bands of Girls 

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