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Between 9 and 10 o'clock in the morning the 2nd congregation council was held; in it the following matters were decided: 1. In future, order in seating and in outward behavior are to be observed more scrupulously in the services along lines that are natural. The benches in front of the stairway are to be the last to be occupied and that by brethren who are the last to arrive. The sisters who arrive last are to pass through the room. The firstcomer is to sit beside the elder.
According to Bro. Ludwig's observation this has not been done up to the
present, possibly out of humility, and all manner of confusion has resulted.
Quite apart from this, our brethren are certainly aware that among us
there is no chief place; except that one or two places are left unoccupied
for the elders so that one may conveniently hear from them what is to
be attended to. 2. A brother who holds no office and has no instructions must not undertake or arrange matters as he himself pleases, for example, bring non-Moravians ["fremde Leute"] to private ceremonies and gatherings, without asking and receiving express permission from the elders and wardens. Proper procedure requires this. 3. The bell will be rung: [a penciled marginal note reads: "To signal the time for rising, see July 17."] a. for meals, but very briefly; b. for the services, somewhat longer; c. for preaching services twice, half an hour apart; the first time at the beginning of the congregation council at 9 o'clock and the 2nd time when it ends at 9:30 o'clock. For the quarter-of-an-hour devotions the bell either need not be rung at all (for the brethren and sisters have no need to part company at that hour), or very briefly indeed. The Single Brethren are to have their quarter-of-an-hour first. When they shall have sung their last stanza, the [Married] Men and Women come, and then the Single Sisters. 4. In future a preaching service in English is to be held every Sunday to give our English neighbors and the Irish an opportunity to hear us. Besides, there are quite a number of brethren and sisters who understand English and others who would like to learn it. Pyrlaeus is to conduct the first today. For this the bell is to be rung at 12 o'clock for the first time, for the second at 12:30; and at I o'clock it is to begin. The little English hymnbook will be used in it. 5. Windows are to be made for spectators in Bro. Ludwig's room for special occasions, such as the prostration and the Communion. They are to enter first, at all times. In future the whole entrance hall in the new addition is to be devoted to this, and the stairway placed further back. 6. Certain brethren are to look after the
non-Moravians who visit us, spend time with them, and converse with them.
For this week these will be: of the brethren, Andr. Eschenbach and Bischof,
of the sisters, Rosina Nitscbmann, [Sr.] Bischof and [Sr.] Sensemann.
Future congregation councils will appoint others also. These may train
Bro. Ronner and Meurer from among the brethren. The sisters may take [Sr.]
Almers and Margar. Disman as their assistants. 7. Brandmiller, Bishof, and Walmert are to serve as sacristans in the Saal; Hagen must also share in the activity of the sacristans. Brandmiller is in charge during the Communion week; Hagen, during the week of the Bettag; Walmert with Bischof, during the other two weeks. 8. A Bettag is to be held for the children. The first will take place on the coming Saturday. Its regular hour will be on Saturday, following the Communion. 9. In future the Single Brethren will hold quarter-of-an-hour devotions daily, when all other meetings are over, and proceed therefrom to their dormitory. 10. The Choirs are to have their regular and separate walks. That of the Single Brethren leads across the Hutberg, and the fence is to be provided with a lathwork gate. That of the men is in the direction of Nazareth; that of the Single Sisters is towards the Lehigh. Rauch and Johannes, the Indian, are to go to Nazareth tomorrow. 11. The joiners and carpenters are not to work in the rooms within the house any longer, but a special workshop is to be built for them so soon as possible. 12. The dormitory must be finished first and floored with planed boards, so that it may he kept freer from vermin. Further, it is to be swept daily. 13. Sensemann is the timekeeper. He is to announce each hour with the same number of strokes on the bell, until more systematic provision can be made for the children. Thereafter, they shall attend to this under the guidance and supervision of the brother in charge of them. He [Sensemann] will announce the hours from 5 o'clock in the morning, when the night watch ends, to the time in the evening when it begins, Then the brother who has the night watch will continue until about 12 o'clock. Bro. Ludwig conducted the preaching service
from 10 to 12 o'clock, speaking on the text for today.- Lord, thou knowest
all things, etc. Thou know'st, bridegroom of my heart, that I love Thee
as mine own soul. Pyrlaeus took down a summary of it. From I to 2 o'clock
Pyrlaeus conducted the preaching service in Today Paul's Epistle to the Colossians was read, interspersed with some explanatory comments. Then there followed the quarter-of-an-hour devotions of the Choirs in the order agreed upon in today's congregation council. Bro. Ludwig conducted the Gemein Stunde, basing his remarks, which had been taken down, on today's watchword. Finally there came the quarter-of-an-hour devotions of the hourly intercessors. Andr. Eschenbach had the night watch.