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On Monday, August 23/September 3. Today nearly all of the non-Moravians who had been visiting here during these days returned home, joyful and having received a blessing. Prior to their leaving Bro. Ludwig conducted an additional service for them especially and also had a personal interview with each one. Captain Gladman came here on a visit from New York. Today Bro. Ludwig prepared a number of Remarks regarding an English book which appeared recently and attacked the Brethren. It had the title Compendious Extract, etc., and was written by the notorious Joseph Crellius in Philadelphia, the son of Crellius, the Socinian. The title (if this book [Zinzendorf's] was The Remarks Kindly Requested by the Author of 'the Compendious Extract,' etc., in the Preface of His Book from the Lord of Thuernstein, Present Pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of Jesus Christ in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, printed by and to be had from Isaias Warner, 1742. Later these Remarks were translated into English also and printed at Mr. B. Franklin's with an additional preface addressed to the Moravian congregation in Philadelphia, bearing the title The Remarks, which the Author of the Compendious Extract, etc., in the Preface to his Book hath friendly desired of the Revd. Thuernstein, etc., see November 10/21 of this year. Today several married people came here for a visit from Germantown. In the evening, following the Singstunde, the congregation council was held. In it the following took place: 1. The night watches this week; these ensued in the following order: on Sunday the Sisters had it; on Monday, Bro. Heine; on Tuesday, Bro. Almers; on Wednesday, Benigna; on Thursday, Bro. Kaske; on Friday, Bro. Sensemann; on Saturday, watch by the bands. 2. Each of the fishers reported regarding the experiences he had had in his work, [the individuals] with whom he had had dealings at one place or another, or where he had made some special effort. Then the general lines of their future activity were made clear to them, and some of them in particular were given the following guide lines for their future work, this partly in answer to questions they raised, partly because of the requirements of their situation: a. Not to meddle with the work of other servants of God;, b. Particularly not to become involved in disputes with any contentious person, but rather, should such folk ever set out in that manner, either to make no reply at all, or first to hear them out concerning the subjects at issue and then answer them with a terse, "That is my view too" or "I do not believe that in that way," but not to become involved with them in any further argument. This evening a little son was born to Bro. and Sr. Brucker; his baptism was delayed until the morning service tomorrow. Bro. Christi. Fröhlich had left for Philadelphia this morning as the postilion.