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[Saturday] July 28, 1764
Br. Schmick reported that since the 20th of this month, seven more Indians have gone home [to God], and several more lie sick.
With the Single Brother Odenwald, certain circumstances have occurred that will allow him to remain here with us no longer.
Rigner, who earlier resided here, and lives in very distressing circumstances, is also now lying sick, and requests that a Brother might visit him.
Br. Thorp proposed as a candidate the married Brother Alworth. Yes. * [Affirmative Lot]
Br. Neisser brought into consideration the acceptance into the community of Joh. Kornman. * [Empty Lot]
[Sunday] July 29, 1764
Because Odenwalds circumstances begin to become widely known in town, it was called for that we consider what is to be done with him? He is in danger, if he stays here longer, of being brought to Easton [to county authorities, presumably].
Odenwald had given Br. Frommelt to understand that he wanted to go immediately to Europe, that is also the only counsel that Br. Frommelt can give him, and that the sooner the better.
[Monday] July 30, 1764
Odenwald left here early today, and, one thinks, goes to Europe.
Anton the Negro, with whose wife Odenwald carried on a forbidden relationship, says that Andrew the Mohr provided his (Antons) wife with the first opportunity for acquaintanceship with Odenwald.
Br. Nathanael had earlier questioned Andrew [on this subject], and found that he is probably innocent, which, however, Anton can not believe.
It will therefore be necessary for Anton and his wife, with Andrew, in the presence of several witnesses, to be interrogated; at best, in the presence of the Committee.
If Andrew is found innocent, then they [Andrew and his wife, Magdalena] must afterwards be forbidden, before the Committee, from tolerating Single Brethren and Single Sisters in their house.
And, because various irregularities have spread among the Single Brethren and Sisters, it thus creates the necessity that in the Choirs public reminders be made, if the Single Brethren and Sisters do not afterwards want to behave according to the rules of the Gemeine, then they will fall under the jurisdiction of the Committee.
[Tuesday] July 31, 1764
Yesterday, the Committee examined Anton the Negro, as well as our Negro Brother Andrew, in the above mentioned affair, and found him [Andrew] innocent.
Because, however, Anton knew of the connection between his wife and Odenwald for so long, and remained silent, we see it as necessary to distance them from our borders, and to notify them of this as soon as possible.
The Negro Sister Magdalene, was, on this occasion, again forbidden from taking in odd laundry from the Single Brethren.
Transcription and translation by Katherine Carté Engel