![]() |
11th, 1755
Present | John Bechtel | Christ.n | John Okely |
J. Bentzien | Mathew Schrop |
Krossch of Warwick in y.e County of Lancaster having
bro.t his Daughter, Maria Apollonia, to live in Bethlehem,
they were
both sent for, they answerd the following Questions then put to
Viz:t In what Religion was the Daughter Born, baptizd,
& educated?
Ans.r In the Lutheran.
2n Is she here with your good Liking? Ans.r
Yes, with my whole Heart.
To the Daughter.
Is it your Mind to stay with us? Ans.r Yes it is my intire
to stay here.
What Reason have you for resolving this?
Ans.r that I may lead a Happy & contented
I suppose you are not unacquainted with our living together as
one Family, & having no Wages to expect?
Ans.r Yes I know it, & it never came into my Mind to
have Wages.
In as much as we are a People of our Sav.rs it is necessary
that we yield Obedience to our Superiors, Is that your
Mind likewise? Answ.r Yes.
Are you acquainted with our Congregation Orders? Ans.r Yes
Are you engaged to any Man? Ans.r No
Is the Salvation of your Soul your first & principal
Concern? Ans.r Yes.
Are you convinced in your Heart that the Brethren are
the People amongst whom our Sav.r has called you to be
Happy All which her Father confirmd with a hearty
Feb.ry 17th, 1755
Present | John Bechtel | M. Sauter | J. Okely |
N. Eberhard | Mathew Schrop |
A letter was read
from Friederick Weidel & his Wife, seting
forth their Satisfaction & Pleasure in having their Son Henry Balschbach
in Bethlehem, & desire that he might be bound to the Breth.n
an Indenture.
Agreed That the same be done accordingly.
Henry Strause a single man from Oleywho has been
here for a Time was sent for & Told, he co.d not continue
any longer
in Bethlehem, but that if he was so minded he might go to
Friedensthal, & work there for Wages & have the Opportunity
of conversing with the Breth.n in Nazareth and Christiansbrunn.
Feb: 28th 1755
Present | C. J. Bentzien | J. Okely | |
N. H. Eberhart | Math. Schrop |
Augustus Milchsach
having obtaind Leave to live in Beth.
was sent for, & being told that it was usual for every one admitted
into our Oeconomy first to sign a Declaration of his Mind---
concerning the same, he readily assented, & it being first read
& explaind to him, he signd the same accordingly.
In like manner the before named Hanry Strausse upon
his repeated Application, at last obtained Leave to live in
Christians-Brunn & signd the usual Declaration accordingly.
March 9th
Present | J. Bechtel | N. Eberhart | J. Okely |
M Sauter | M. Schropp |
Having heard that
one of the Yorkshire Brethren, William Dixon,
had a Mind to leave our Oeconomy, It was agreed he sho.d be
sent for,
being come the following Questions were put to him.
Is it true that you have a Mind to leave us?
Ans.r Yes.
Has any body given you any just cause of Offense?
Ans.r No. I love the Brethren & hope ever to remain
in Fellowship
with them.
Is any Body in your Debt or do you owe any Body any
Ans.r No. Are you willing to sign a general Discharge to
the Brethren?
Ans.r Yes with all my Heart. Which accordingly done &
dismissd in Peace.
Agreed that Indenture be made for the Children of our late Bro.r
Bruce & Bro. Martin Mack.
April 1.st 1755
Present | John Bechtel | N. H. Eberhart | |
J. Okely | M. Schropp |
Conrad Young from
Lancaster being come to Bethlehem
with a Desire to continue amongst us it was thought proper he
sho.d be sent for & spoke with about it.
Being come & the usual Questions put to him, he answerd
to our Satisfaction & was told we wo.d consider further
ab.t his
Continuance here.
Our late Br. Bruces Children were this day bound to
Father Nitschman, by their Mother & Father in Law.
Present | J. Bechtel | J. Okely | |
M. Schropp | Friederick Weber (instead of Sauter) |
informed that Peter Weight was minded to leave
our Oeconomy, it was agreed he sho.d be sent for & askd
ab.t it, &
being come, our President said; We have heard you intend to
leave us, Is it true? Ans.r Yes.
Q.n Can you so easily part with the Congregation?
Ans.r It is better for me, since I have so acted, I think
I do not
belong to the Congregation & therefore I had rather live
for myself.
Q.n Has any Body given you any just Cause to take such a
Ans.r No, I have Nothing against any body, nor has any one
given me any just Cause of Offence.
Q,n Is any one indebted to you? Ans.r No
Q.n Have you any Thing to demand? Ans.r Nothing
at atll.
Q.n Are you willing to sign a Gen.l Release?
Ans.r With all my Heart.
And being prepared he signd the same accordingly & so
was dismissd, tho not without Tears.
May 12th 1755
Present Math. Schropp, J. Okely, & Nicholas Garrisson Sen.r
Having been informed that Leonard Schnel & his
Wife had had some Difference together, we first inquired into
the Ground of the Matter, then sent for him & having fully heard
his own Relation of the Matter, we exhorted him, agreeable
to the Nature of the Case, to be cautious how he acted with
his Wife so as not to hurt themselves, not bring Scandal, on
the Congregation in whose Neighborhood he dwelt &c.
But acquainting us that his Sons being taken into our Anstalt
was one Cause of their Difference, it was told him it sho.d
therefore be considerd of.
May 16.th
Present the same Members as above.
Schnell being sent for was told that as his Wife was unwilling
to let his Son be in our Anstalt, it was better that he took him Home
again. To which he consented, tho with some Reluctance, & the
Manner in which it sho.d be done was agreed on.
27.th May 1755
Present Bechtel, Schropp, Okely, & Weber
The Nail-Smith having need of an Apprentice, it was thought
fit to give him Johann Friederick Klem, by Way of Trial.
Accordingly being sent for & spoke with & expressing his
liking to it he was given over to his Master B.r Rühmelt.
Benjamin Brown having Leave to stay in Bethlehem
was sent for & told it, & signd the Declaration usual in
that Case.
Michael Graff was sent for & warnd by us for a certain
June 16th
Present | J. Bechtel | N.H. Eberhard | J. Okely. |
Friederick Weber | Math. Schropp |
Günther being advised to leave our Oeconomy &
seek his own Bread, was therefore sent for & spoke with ab.t
Being askd about his going, he frankly declared it was his
own Fault. Being further askd if he was indebted to any One?
Or any one indebted to him? Which he answered in the Negative.
And being askd to sign a Discharge to that Effect he readily
Caster Böchle having expressd a Desire to learn the
Weavers Trade, he was sent for & spoke with ab.t it &
over to his Master Br. Schaaf on Trial.
Present Bechtel, Schrop, Okely.
The Widow Leimbach being permitted at her Desire to come
from Oley & live in the Widows House. She was sent for & spoke
with ab.t
it. She answerd the usual Questions with a Chearful Yea & expressd
Great Satisfaction in y.t our Sav.r had been so
gracious as to permit her to
end her Days in the Congregation.
July 3.d 1755
Present, Bechtel, & J Okely
Anna Gertraud Weber, the Widow of John Weber,
having also obtaind Leave to come & live in the Widows
in Nazareth, she was sent for & spoke to by us an Usual
Answerd all our Questions in the Affirmative, & expressd
great Satisfaction that she & her Children had the Happiness
to be in the Congregation. She has five Children, &
is quite willing to bind them till they are of Age, As also
to sign the usual Declaration upon Persons being admitted
to live in our Oeconomy.
NB She afterwards signd it.
July 4th
Present | J. Bechtel | Nich.s | F. Weber |
H. Eberhard | J. Okely |
being proposed to Henry Haller to remove from
Allemangel, with his Wife & Family, to Warwick in the
County of Lancaster, to work upon & Manage the
Plantation of Geo. Klein. We sent for him to know his
Mind ab.t it. When he declared, that it was a great
Joy to him to undertake it, that it was his own free Will
& Motion so to do, that he required nothing for it, &
wo.d be content with Necessarys from Time to Time as
he co.d get them. Being askd if wo.d sign
a Declaration
to that Effect he readily consented.
26th August, 1755
Present | J. Bechtel | J. Okely & F. Weber | |
M. Schropp | N. H. Eberhart |
Röhmelt, our Nail Smith, was sent for & being askd
about his Apprentice Frederick Klem, who had put to him upon
Trial, if he thought he co.d learn the Trade, & answering
in the
Affirmative, he was sent for & solemnly given over to him with
necessary Exhortations to faithfulness & Obedience.
We then proceeded to ask him ab.t Melchior Christy
if he thought it wo.d suit his Purpose to take him & signifying
his Approbation, he was likewise deliverd over to him in the same
Renatus Steiner having been removed from the Smiths
Shop at Xtians Brun to the Shop in Bethlehem, He was sent
for & given over to his Brother Abraham to be subject &
obedient to him as his Master, which he promised.
Agreed, that y.e Fire Inspectors be sent for, & the punctual
Observation of their Office inforced upon them.
1st Sept.
Present Bechtel SchroppOkely.
Several Persons having leave to live in Bethlehem they
were sent for & the usual Questions (mutatis Mutandis) askd
Viz.t In what Religion were you Educated?
Is it your Mind to live with us?
What moves you to it?
Are you acquainted that we live together in Comon, & have
no Wages for our Labor?
As we are a People of our Sav.rs, it is meet that in all
we are obedient to those which have the Rule over us,
Is that your Intention?
Are you acquainted with our Congregation Regulation?
Are you engaged or promised in Marriage to any
Have you the Consent of your Parents to come
Is the Salvation of your Soul, your Sole
Are you convinced that the Brethren are the
People to whom our Sav.r has calld you to live
in happy Communion & Fellowship with?
&c. &c.
The Persons to whom all the above Questions were put were
Susanna & Margaretta Bender
Rebecca Langly
Eliz. Leinbach
Maria Margaretta Grochin
Cath. Magdalena Youngin
Who answered them all to our Satisfaction.
15th Sept.r
Present | Bechtel | Okely | Eberhart |
Weber | Schropp |
heard some Complaint as if our Tavern Keepers
exacted too much in their Prices we sent for them & inquired into
the Matter, when Br. Klotz, who keeps the Rose at Nazareth,
assured us he never took more of any one than according to
the following Rates, Viz:t A Breakfast 4d ...of Tea, Coffee
&c. 6d
A Dinner 6d. with a Pint of Beer 8d.
A Supper 4d, if Hot, 6d.
For Lodging, if they spend Nothing, 2d.
A Quart of Wine, 2/- Rum, 1/4 , By y.e Gill 4d
by the _ Pint 6.d Beer & Sider 4d.
A Nights Hay 6d. But since Hay is become so dear 8d.
Oats 6d. a half Peck.
Br. Graabs who keeps the Bethlehem Tavern, being sent for
& spoke with agreed in the above in all Respects.
16th Sept.r
Br. Schaub, being intended for North Carolina, & having some
Lands to dispose of & Matter to settle before he went, was sent
for & askd about it, & he agreed to let the Brethren have
paying the Money he had expended for them, & the whole was
committed to Br. Okely to settle & finish, & Br. Schropp was to
undertake from him as his Attorney in his Absence.
19th Sept.r
Present | Schropp | Okely | |
Eberhart | Weber |
Alterations being made in the Bake-House, Br. Rinck
was sent for & askd if he would undertake the Direction &
of the Bake House, to which expressing his Willingness, it was
committed to him, & he was exhorted to keep up Rule & Authority
therein. Br. Demur & Manasse Salter were sent for &
being Willing, were given to him as his Assistants.
20th Sept.r 1755.
Present Bechtel Shropp Okely
Salley Staples, a Person sometime since come over from
England, & living in our Neighbourhood for a
considerable Time past,
having signified her Desire of coming to live in our Oeconomy
She was sent for & the usual Questions put to her, which she
answerd. And was told to wait till she [something crossed out]
heard further from us about her coming.
Christina Pincklin, a Girl of 18 Years was likewise
spoke with by us & had leave to live in Bethlehem.
17th Nov.r
Present The same as at the last Meeting
The Widow Boelen of N. York having received
Leave to remove, with her Family from thence to Bethlehem
to live in our Oeconomy, she was sent for, & being acquainted
with the Nature of our Oeconomy & the usual Questions put
to her, She answerd them much to our Satisfaction, Declaring
at the same Time, that it was our Sav.r alone & none else
that had put it into her Heart & Mind to come & live with us
& doubted not but it would prove a great Blessing to her.
That she was desirous to satisfy the Brethren from Time to Time
for her Board &c. In answer to which it was told her that as
she was going to live at Nazareth in the Widows Choir, she
would be heartily welcome to such Fare as was providd them
& what else she had a Mind to, she was at her Liberty to
provide herself with.
Nov. 27th, 1755
Present | Bechtel | Hide | Eberhart |
Schropp | Okely | Weber |
Agreed That
all Persons who shall for the Future be admitted to
live in our Oeconomy, shall amongst other Questions
be askd in what Manner they intend to live in & serve
the Oeconomy, that we may know how each one is
to be lookd upon.
That Br. Ludwig Weiss who lately arrived here from
Europe sho.d be spoke with to that End.
In like manner Jacob Boehler, who came here with
his Mother from N. York.
That Jacob Christy be put Apprentice to Br. Fisher
the Hatter.
That Philip Stöhr in like manner to Br. Mosch y.e
Br. Weiss declared himself to the following Effect i.e. That
he thought it best for him to continue in Bethlehem for the
present Time, all Things considerd, That y.e Room he
had was
but small, but he was content therewith, or with still less if
the Exegency of Affairs required it, that as there was no
Conveniency of dressing his own Victuals, he wo.d be satisfied
with such as co.d be aforded him out of our Kitchen from
Time to Time for all which, as he had it in his Power & co.d
do little in the Oeconomy, he was willing to allow the
Brethren what sho.d be thought reasonable. That he purposed
to take Sarah Staples, if it was approvd of , to assist his
Wife with her Children, as he had been informd she was
desirous of coming to live in Bethlehem.
Jacob Boehler, upon the usual Questions being put to him,
declared his Desire of staying in Bethlehem & being employd
with the Tin-Man, if possible.
Jacob Christy declaring his Inclination to learn the Hatters
Trade, & Br. Fisher his Willingness to take him, he was given over
accordingly on Trial promising Obedience to his Master.
Philip Stöhr in like manner to Br. Mosch.
5th Dec.r 1755
PSent | Bechtel | Okely | Hide |
Bentzien | Schropp |
The Widow
Boehlen being returnd from Nazareth, where
she had been placed by the Brethren, without previously acquainting
them, it was concluded we sho.d hear what she had to say, &
sent for she said: That Nazareth was a Place she could by no
Means stay in, she ownd it have been told her in N.York that she
must not expect to be any where else, but still that She secretly
had hoped some Place might be provided for her in Bethlehem
where she co.d enjoy her Children, but since she now found
that co.d not be, she saw no Way left for her but to return
back again to New York. We expressd our Sympathy with her
& told her she was at Liberty to return when she thought fit.
Her Daughter Catherine was spoke with who expressd a
great Desire to stay in Bethlehem, but her Mother returning
it was thought it wo.d not so well suit for the present.
Mary Penry, a Single woman from Philadelphia, was
spoke with, & the usual Questions being put to her, & the
Dangerous Situation of the Times with Regard to the Indians,
being laid before her, she declared that if she might be permitted
to stay she had much rather undergo any Hardships with the Sisters
than go to Philadelphia again.