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January 19.th 1757
Present Bechtel, Schropp, Hide, Okely, Weber.
Being observed that we had been for some time past
too remiss in coming together, It was agreed that we should
punctually meet, according to our old Appointment, on
Tuesdays at 9 OClock in the Morning.
Stephen Nicholas, who a good while since has
been permitted to live in Bethlehem was sent for & askd if
it was his Mind to continue in Bethlehem with us?
which answering in the Affirmative, & the Declaration
usually signd on such Occasions being read to him, he
chearfully signd it.
Several Boys who had been put to Trades on
Trial were sent for & confirmd to their Masters e.g.
Jacob Christ to Br. Fisher the Hatter
John Antes to Br. A. Andreas the Wheel Wright
Frederick Klemm to Br. Röhmelt the Nail Smith.
With all requisite Solemnity & Necessary Observations both
to the Masters & Apprentices.
Agreed at the same Time also That if the Masters
have any Thing to object ag.t their Apprentices, or when
Correction is needful, that they are to apply to this
Committee. In like Manner the Apprentices if they have
any Complaint to make ag.t their Masters.
That if the Masters have
occasion to use their Apprentices
extraordinarily & out of the common Hours of Work
that they may do so, provided only that the Persons, who have
the oversight of the Boys in their Rooms, are satisfied they
they have not been any where else at the Time.
Br. Horsfields Son Israel was put to Br. Hassleberg,
our Tinman, for 2 Months on a Trial in order to learn his
Trade. We haveing Previously concerted the Matter with
Br. Horsfield.
Feb: 10.th 1757.
Present Br. Bechtel, Schropp, Weber.
1. It was considerd that the sev.l Persons who livd in our
Land as Tenants sho.d pay their Rent when their Time was
up & sho.d likewise know from us, if they might continue or
2. That Care be taken to have the Fire-Buckets properly
distributed in the Houses where they may be of most service
when wanted. That the Fire-Ladders & Hooks be put
under the Shed by the Farm-Yard. That a Couple of
Fire Squirts be placed in every House where the Buckets
are put.
3. If we co.d procure the Regulations for extinguishing Fires
made in Herrnhuth, it was thought many profitable Hints
might be taken which wo.d be of use in our Oeconomy.
So much is certain, that it is absolutely needful to have some
sort of Regulation ag.t Accidents by Fire. It was thought
the Masons & Carpenters sho.d have the particular Care &
oversight of the Fire-Ladders & Hooks, as in Cases of emergency
they must always be the most active Persons, for which Reason
it sho.d be specially given them in Charge. It was likewise
thought good that particular Brethren sho.d be appointed to
manage y.e Fire Squirts & Persons to bring Water with the
4. Br. John Smith not having kept his Dog chaind up as has
been repeatedly desired of him, Br. Bechtel was appointed
out of this Committee to speak earnestly with him ab.t
April 13.th
Present | Br. Bechtel | Weber | Hide |
Schropp | Okely |
The Time being expired for
which Israel Horsfield had been
put to Hasselberg on Trial, they were both calld before us
& finding both Parties mutually agreed, Israel was solemnely
given over to his his Master to be his Apprentice.
April 17.th
Present Bechtel F. Weber, Schropp.
Having heard that Andrew the Negroe had been out a Night
without the Knowledge or Leave of the Labourers in the
Single Brethrens House: We thought proper to send for him
& inquire into the Reason, which he told us, but not being
Satisfactory to us he was told it was against the Fundamental
Rules & Orders of the Congregation, & that if he did so any more
we could not suffer him to continue any longer amongst the
Single Men, & that he sho.d speak Br. Petzold further ab.t it.
He seemd sorry & went away in Tears.
22d April 1757
Present | Bechtel | Schropp | |
Weber | Okely |
George Volk having expressd
his Desire of living
with the Brethren. We sent for him, & having heard his
Mind ab.t it. Agreed with him that he sho.d have a Room
in the Mill at Friedensthal with a Piece of Ground for
a little Garden, & pay yearly 20/. Br. Okely to draw
a Memorandum of such Agreem.t for s.d Volk to sign.
8.th June
Present the same Members as above.
1. It was considerd. That Br. Colver sho.d be spoke with, &
his Mind known ab.t his living in our Oeconomy & to act
with him accordingly.
2. That an Agreem.t be made with Jacob Volck respecting
his living on our Land &c.
3. Br. Beck was spoken to ab.t his Sons learning the Taylor
Trade. He is to speak with his Wife & the Boy & give us a
4. It was thought the Licence for the Bethlehem Tavern
for this Year & so from Year to Year sho.d be taken out in Br.
Bechtels Name, & that the Licence for the Rose sho.d be
droppd. Br. Okely to manage accordingly at Court.
5. It was reminded that Br. Edmonds should bind his Child:n.
6. Joseph Sturgeons having been a sufficient Time on Trial
with Br. Odenwald, the Potter, & both Parties having a particular
liking to each other he was given over to him with the
customary Solemnity.
7. It was thought good that Cath. Wright, the Daughter of
Rebecca Nixon by her former Husband sho.d be bound by an
Indenture. Likewise the Children of William Nixon that
are now in the Congregation.
8. Barbara Westhöffer was called to sign the Declaration
usual when Persons are admitted to live in Bethlehem,
but finding she as not yet seventeen Years of Age, it
was thought more proper she sho.d be bound by an
Indenture, which is to be done when her Father comes
next here.
9. Rebecca Jones, Eliz. Sommers, Sarah Staples,
Johanna Parson, & Erdmuth Langley all signd the af.d
Declaration, being first duly acquainted with the Nature of
it, with much Pleasure & Chearfulness.
June 15.th
Present the same Members as before.
1. It was considerd that the Widow Sommers, who lives at
Nazareth with the Widows, sho.d be spoke with by this Committee.
2. It was observd that it is a useful & necessary Thing to
take a just Inventory of the Wearing Apparel & of any
Person dying Intestate, that if hereafter any Inquiry be
made by their Friends of Others a Satisfactory Acc.t thereof
may be given.
3. Geo: Klein & A. Steiner, as Guardians, to be spoke with
ab.t the situation & Behavior of Renatus Steiner.
June 29th 1757.
Present. Bechtel & the same Members as before.
Br. Beck having given us his Resolution, that his
Son sho.d learn the Taylors Trade & the Boy expressing a
Desire & Willingness for it, Br. Mark was sent for & David
Beck was given over to him as his Apprentice.
Philip Rancke & Peter Martin, came before us &
signed the Declaration on being admitted into our Oeconomy.
Nov.r 5th
Present Bechtel, Schropp, Weber, Ettwein
Joseph Hobsh appeared with his Apprentice Boy
Kahler, whom he had upon Trial for a Time to see
if he co.d learn the Nail-Smiths Trade. And the
Master believing the Boy would suit him well,
& the Boy having a strong Inclination for the Trade
It was agreed he sho.d continue at the Business, & the
Boy gave the Master his Hand, promising solemnly
to be obedient & Diligent in his Trade &c.
Nov.r 30th.
In like Manner Peter Christy was given over to
J. T. Kornman the Leather Draper as an Apprentice with
the above Solemnity.
Also Conrad Ganter to Br. Musch the Shoemaker
to learn his Business.
Dec.r 1st. 1757
Present, the Same Members as before.
Old Mr. Klemm, the Organ-Builder, late of New York,
having at his repeated Instance Obtaind leave to
remove to Bethlehem, in his advanced Age, appeared
before us: and upon being asked what he proposed to
himself by living amongst the Brethren? Answered
to the following Effect Viz.t
That he was tired of the world, & that he had no other
View in coming to live with us, but for his Souls Health
& Salvation.
The Situation and Difficulty of our Oeconomy & Community
were faithfully laid before him, & he was told he sho.d
take Time to consider the Matter well, also on what
Footing or Conditions he wo.d undertake to repair our
Old or provisionally build us a New Organ, if we sho.d
give him a monthly or quarterly Gratuity.
He upon that declared he was now free from all
Engagemen.ts & Intanglem.ts of the World, & that he no way
came here for temporal Advantage. But when he had
considerd it further he wo.d ^be more explicit in that
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