Register - Marriages
Transactions Moravian Historical Society:
"Register of Members of the Moravian Church, and of Persons Attached
to Said Church in this Country and Abroad, ,Between 1727 and 1754";
translated from a MS. in the handwriting of the Rev. Abraham Reinke;
by W. C. Reichel; Vol. 1.
"Some of the Fathers of the American Moravian Church".;by Bishop Edmund
de Schweinitz; Vol. 2.
"A Brief History of the Widows' Society of Bethlehem"..with lists of
members and beneficiaries; by Dr. AugustusSchultze; Vol. 2.
The Old Moravian Cemetery of Bethlehem, Pa."; by Dr. Augustus Schultze;
Vol. 5.
"The Moravian Graveyards at Nazareth, Pa."; by Rev. Edward T. Kluge;
Vol. 7.
"The Moravian Graveyards of Lititz, Pa."; by Abraham Reinke Beek; Vol.
"History of the Moravian University and Theological Seminary"; by Rev.
William N. Schwarze, Ph.D., D.D; Vol. 8.
"Historical Sketch of Graceham, Frederick County, Maryland"; by Rev.
A. L. Oerter; Vol. 9.
History of the Moravian Missions Among the Indiana of the White River
in Indiana"; by Rev. Harry E. Stocker; Vol. 10.
"A History of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 1741-18920; by Bishop Joseph
Mortimer Levering; Bethlehem, Pa, 1903.
"Historical Sketch of Bethlehem in Pennsylvania, with Some Account of
the Moravian Church"; by John Hill Martin; Philadelphia, 1872.
"Sketches of Moravian Life and Character"; by James Henry; Philadelphia,
"Historical Sketch of Nazareth Hall from 1755 to 18690; by William C.
Reichel; Philadelphia, 1869.
"A History of the Moravian Seminary for Young Ladies at Bethlehem, Pa."
by William C. Reichel and William H. Bigler; Bethlehem, 1901.
"Memorials of the Moravian Church"; by William C. Relchel; Philadelphia,
"History of the Moravian Church in Philadelphia, from its Foundation
in 1742 to the Present Time"; C. Sherman & Son; Philadelphia, 1857.
"The Moravian Manual; Containing an Account of the Moravian Church,
or Unitas Fratrum"; Second Edition; by Edmund de Schweinitz; Bethlehem,
"A History of the Church Known as the Moravian Church, or the Unitas
Fratrum"; by Bishop J. Taylor Hamilton; Bethlehem,1900.
Burial Book of the Moravian Church, Lancaster, 1744-18210; translation
by George M. Steinman; Publications of the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania;
Vol. X.
Annual Reports of the Board of Elders of the Moravian Congregation of
Bethlehem, Pa; 1891-1935.
Clewell Family History.
Knauss Genealogy; by Wilbur L. King; Bethlehem, 1930.
The Moravian
Bethlehem Daily Times
Bethlehem Globe-Times.
"Genealogical and Personal Memoirs of the Lehigh Valley,, Pa.";
by John W. Jordan, et al; New York-Chicago, 1905.
"History of Northampton County, Pa."; by William J. Heller; The American
Historical Society; Boston-New York-Chicago,1920.
History of Lehigh and Carbon Counties"; by Mathews and Hungerford; Philadelphia,1884.
"History of Lehigh County, Pa."; by Charles R. Roberts, et al; Allentown,
[The above is taken from pages xxii-xxiii of the original]
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