bullet Dorothy Gattermeyer (1726-1755)

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Dorothy Gattermeyer, born Uhlmann, died in Jesus’ arms and lap at 4 o’clock this morning at the age of 29 years, 6 months, and 4 days. She was born in the year 1726 on April 14th in Zauchenthal in Moravia. In the year 45, when she was 19 years old, she accompanied 2 single persons of her sex, one of whom was Sr. Rosina Schwarz, now of Nazareth, to Herrnhut in order to visit her mother there. She was, however, soon drawn to the Savior and resolved herself to remain there and to surrender herself to the Savior. In the same year she had the grace to be received into the congregation and the following year to become a participant in the Holy Sacrament. In the year 48 she prepared to depart for Pennsylvania along with several other sisters and arrived safely here in Bethlehem on the 18th of May in the year 49. On July 15th of the same year she was united in holy marriage with Br. Leonhard Gattermeyer [in a ceremony] along with 27 other couples. In this estate she remained for 6 years and 3 months in a simple and child-like walk with the Savior in which also was blessed with two dear little marriage-seedlings, Sophia Dorothea and Johann Leonhard.

In the year 52 on the 27th of May she was sent with her husband to serve the little congregation at Heidelberg, but after half a year she returned to Bethlehem in order to receive treatment for a painful eye injury. In the year 53, in April, she moved with her husband to Gnadenthal where she was cheerful and industrious for one year and 9 months, and where, in the month of June 54, she received from the Savior the honor of having the office of disciple [eldress] of the respective Married People’s Choir laid on her shoulders. When in March of the year 55 her dear husband went to Shomokin, she moved to Bethlehem and here was delivered safely of her little son. Soon thereafter she had another attack of her old tightness of the chest, which enervated her and confined her to bed. In her sickness she was quiet and calm, in the hope of soon being able to go the arms of her Eternal Husband. This she also told her husband with joy soon after his return from Shomokin 14 days ago. On October 17th she still had the grace to participate (along with her husband) in the Married Choir’s Holy Communion service, for which she hardly could wait. And as it seemed so long before it came, she said: "Now I must already still stay here today." She asked for her bread and something to drink and wanted to hold a Lovefeast, but could not get anything down, so she fell into silence until she reached the point where she could enjoy a heavenly liturgy and the inexpressible nearness of the Savior. And that was the conclusion of her marriage in which they took leave of each other: We want to remain near the cross and take the body [of Christ] into our bodies until our poor tabernacle breaks down. Her last farewell kiss with her husband after the Holy Communion occurred as this verse was sung: "You have bound a strong band of love with our hearts May it someday be found written in your hand." Thereupon she wanted once again to hold a Lovefeast and asked for her bread, but then soon said: No, above! above!" After those words she became still, passed away, and her tabernacle became pale, but her soul went over into the Bridegroom’s lap. This occurred during the blessing given by Sister Anna Maria L. Her tabernacle was buried in our God’s Acre on October 20 in a liturgy conducted by Br. Matthew.

Transcription and translation by Otto Dreydoppel, Jr.

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