bullet Johanetta Maria Ettwein (1725-1789)

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Tuesday, September 8, 1789

Johanetta Maria Ettwein, born Kimbel, the wife of our Br. Johannes Etwein, was born on September 26, 1725 at Stachenburg in the earldom of Sayn in Westfalia. Her father Peter Kimbel died in the year 1741. In his final hours he expressed the wish that she would go to the Moravians [Brüder-Gemeine] and this was also her own desire, since she had been [spiritually] awakened from youth on. In the year 1742 she came to Marienborn and in the following year she requested reception into—and [the privilege of] enjoying the Holy Communion with—the congregation. In the year 1745 she was inducted into the office of Acoluth. In the year 1746 she was united in holy marriage with Br. Johannes Etwein, with whom she soon traveled to England by way of Holland, where in Zeist she was consecrated a deaconess. In the following years they made various journeys through Germany and in 1750 they returned to England. In the year 1754 they came here to Pennsylvania and traveled to North Carolina in 1759. She accompanied her dear husband on many journeys in the service of the Savior in this land; when she remained at home she also put her heart into sharing what he had to do. According to brethren and sisters and strangers alike, he was a faithful servant, particularly in relation to the pilgrims [i.e., traveling evangelists] and visitors, for whom she lived. When, at the beginning of this year, her dear husband left for a synod meeting in Herrnhut she had no desire to accompany him, even though she had been invited to do so, just as her husband did not want to take her with him. But she acquiesced in a child-like manner, allowing him to go. Early in the year a tightness in the chest began to manifest itself which gradually turned into dropsy, against which even the strongest medications didn’t work. Finally, she herself realized that she would not see her dear husband again, she surrendered to the will of God, and she also trusted in the Savior to console her husband. Thus she passed away in quiet peace on the above-noted date at 11 in the morning. She was aged 63 years, 11 days, and 13 days. Of her 5 children she left behind 2 sons and 2 daughters, and also 4 grandchildren.

Transcription and translation by Otto Dreydoppel, Jr.

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