Barbauld, Anna Letitia. Hymns in prose ; for the use of children. New-York : Printed and sold by S. Wood & Sons, at the juvenile book-store ... , 1816. (Companion to above) Pastoral lessons, and parental conversations : intended as a companion to E. [i.e. A.L.] Barbauld's Hymns in prose. New-York : Printed and sold by Samuel Wood & Sons ... , 1816. Beschreibung des Chinesischen Reichs seiner einwohner und deren sitten, gesezze und religion ; ein lesebuch zum nuzzen und vergnugen fur den burger und landmann.Weissenfels und Leipzig : Friedrich Severin, 1790. Comenius, Johann Amos. Physicae ad lumen divinum reformatae synopsis ... Amstelodami, Ianssonius, 1645. Draper, Bourne Hall. Bible stories; or, A description of manners and customs peculiar to the East, especially explanatory of the Holy Scriptures. Philadelphia, Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co., 1832. Goldsmith, Oliver. Goldsmith’s natural history, abridged, for the use of schools, by Mrs. Pilkington. London : Printed for Vernor Hood & Sharpe [et al], 1810. Der hauptinhalt der lehre Jesu Christi zum gebrauch bey dem unterricht der jugend in den evangelischen Brudergemeinen. Barby, 1778. Hendley, George. A memorial for Sunday School girls ; being an authentic account of the conversion, experience, and happy deaths of twelve girls. Philadelphia : Sunday and Adult School Union, 1820. Lambert, Miss. The handbook of needlework. New York : Wiley & Putnam, 1842. Mitchell, William. A new and complete system of book-keeping, by an improved method of double entry ... To which is added, a table of the duties payable on goods ... imported into the United States ... Philadelphia, Printed by Bioren & Madan, 1796. Models of letters, for the use of schools and private students; being an epitome of the large octavo volume, entitled Elegant Epistles: and containing select letters from the best English authors, with many translated from the French .... London: Printed for C. Dilly, in the Poultry, 1794. Morse, Jedidiah. The American universal geography : or, a view of the present state of all the empires, kingdoms, states, and republics in the known world, and of the United States of America in particular ; illustrated with maps. Boston : by Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1793. |
Select Bibliography 1 2