Nicholson, William. An introduction to natural philosophy. Illustrated wtih copperplates. Philadelphia: Printed for Thomas Dobson, at the Stone House, in Second Street, between Market and Chestnut Street, M DCC LXXXVIII. Otterbein, Georg Gottfried. Lesebuch fur Deutsche Schulkinder. Philadelphia: Gedruckt fur Conrad Zentler und Georg W. Mentz, 1813. The popular reader, or complete scholar; intended as a reading book for the higher classes in academies and other schools in the United States Greenfield, Mass. : A.Phelps, 1834. Rauch, Christian H. Des Deutschen Bauers und Landmanns Rechenbuch und des Schullehrers Gehulfe : oder ein kurzer Inbegriff der praktischen Rechenkunst... Easton : Gedruckt bey Christian Jac. Hutter, 1810. Reichel, Carl Gotthold. Geographie zum gebrauch der schulen in den evangelischen Brudergemeinen. Barby, Zu finden in den Brudergemeinen, 1785. Rollin, Charles. The ancient history. Edinburgh, Printed for A. Guthrie, [etc., etc.], 1789-90. 8 vols. Schoner, Johann Gottfried. Historisches Lesebuch der christlichen Bibellehre : für Liebhaber der Wahrheit unter Jungen und Alten. Nürnberg: Raw, 1801. Smellie, William. The philosophy of natural history. Philadelphia : Printed for Robert Campbell, bookseller, northeast corner of Second and Chestnut street, 1791. Tompson, John. English miscellanies ; consisting of various pieces of divinity, morals, politicks, philosophy and history; as likewise of some choice poems; all collected out of the most approved authors in the English tongue ... and chiefly intended for the advantage of such, as are willing to apply themselves to the learning of this useful language. Goettingen : Printed for the Widow of Abram Vandenhoeck, 1755. Torrey, Jesse. The moral instructor, and guide to virtue : being a compendium of moral philosophy, in eight parts ... : designed for a national manual of moral science, in American seminaries of education, and private families. Philadelphia : Kimber and Sharpless, 1824.
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