1756 Letter to Foster Barham from Augustus Spangenberg

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To Foster Barham, Esq.
Dear Br.
Your favour dated may the 20th a.p. came well, but not soon, to hand, which was owing, I think, partly to the quarantine, our Irene was obliged to ride at her arrived at New York, partly to my absence from Bethlehem, when it came there.
I could therefore do nothing with respect to the Deed, you was pleased to put to my care, to have it recorded in the Register office of Northhampton County, wherein the Baronie Nazareth lies; before the Irenes sailing. I writ however to my loving Br. [margin note] & Oct. the 20th a.p. [end margin note] Charles Metcalf, & to let him know, and to acquaint you by him, that I had received your letter, and the Nazareth Mortgage Deed, and would see it recorded.
Consequently to that I sent the said Deed by the Hands of Br. John Ockli, a Brother to Francis, to Mr. William Parsons, p.t. Recorder at Easton, Northampton County, and he entered it immediately in due time, according to Law; as he was desired to do.
But before this Deed, after being recorded was returned to me by Mr. Parsons, we were surprised by the Savages, and every one almost was of opinion, that Easton, Bethlehem, Nazareth etc. would be destroyed by their wicked hands all at once. For after they had cleared nearly fifty miles up from Nazareth the County from all inhabitants; Nazareth and Bethlehem were but seven miles from Nazareth and ten from Bethlehem.
Upon that Mr. Wm. Parson sent his children as well, as his books, and other effects to Philadelphia, to have them secured against the flames; for the Savages were killing and burning, whatever they could reach. With this your Deed was sent also the Philadelphia, and could not be got again till very lately, when Br. Ockli went there on purpose, to take it into his own hands, being thereto commissioned by Mr. Parsons.
And now he is gone with that intent to Philadelphia, to put it into the hands of a Cptain bound shortly for London, and to take a bill of lading for it, and then to send you a letter of advice with it. I wish all may come save to your hands, and hope also, it will.
As for the registering of the Title Deeds; & Penns. Esqr.to the Patent of Mrss. Laetitia Aubrey, and the Deed of Mrs. Laet. Aubrey to Mr. Wm. Allen Esqr. Etc. are recorded at Philadelphia. The following Deeds are recorded at Newtown Bucks Count, Nazareth some time since belonging to the County before Northampton County happened to be made. But of all this Br. John Ockli can give you the best information.
And now I conclude wishing you an infinite happiness in the Lambs Wounds Dr. Br.
Your affectionate Br. and humble Servant
Bthl. Fer. 22 1756
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Updated: 21 September 2005