1763 Petition by John Jacob Schmick to Governor John Penn

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[Punctuation and spelling is as it appears in the original document]
To the Honourable John Penn Esqr. Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania &c. in Council with the Provincial Commissioners.
The Humble Petition of John Jacab Schmick Missionary among the Indians.
Setteth forth, That whereas the Indians amongst whom I live as their Minister, have by Your Honour been ordered to come down to Philadelphia & are to be lodged in the Barracks, and as I was informed by a letter from Bethlehem which came yesterday are likely to arrive this evening. And whereas there are many Women & Children among them who from their very arrival will want both Victuals & Fuel.
Therefore Your Petitioner humbly prayeth, that Your Honour would appoint somebody to have the Special Care of them, to whom we may apply for such Relief as the Wisdom & Humanity of this Government shall think fit to provide for these poor Objects, who merely for the Sake of Religion came to live among the white People, and now in Obedience to the said Orders have submitted to leave behind them their Habitations & many Goods provender & the like, depending upon the Generosity & Charity of this Christian Government. And your Petitioner as in Duty bound shall ever pray.
Nov. 9, 1763
The 8th of November Frederick Marshall & Lewis Weiss went to Mr. Fore the Commisioner & Barrack Master, to acquant him, that the same day at noon F. Marshall received a letter from Bethlehem, acquainting him, that the Indians from Nain and Nazareth were to have set out the same day & of course might be expected at Philadelphia the 9th, when they hoped the Preparations for their Reception would be made.
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Updated: 20 September 2005