1763 Petition in the name of John Jacob Schmick, written by Lewis Weiss, to Governor John Penn

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[Punctuation and spelling is as it appears in the original document]
To His Honour the Governor of Pennsa. &c. in Council with the Provincial Commisioners
The petiton of John Jacob Schmick Missionary among the Indians
Sheweth That as the tender care of this Government for the Indian Families now at the Province Island by the unruly Behaviour of a City Mob has been in some measure disappointed, so that the same Indian Families are in immediate want of fire wood and Provisions which is owing to the remoteness of that placed from the Town and as the Season is daily growing severer it is apprehended it will often be difficult to provide for them in time and that your petitioner intends to go this day to the said Island to consider with the Brethren there in what manner the said Indian Families could be supported during this Winter at the least expense to the public. And Your Petitioner humbly prayeth that Your Honour will give him & his Brethrn leave to lay before Your Honour & to the Board of Commisioners a scheme for that purpose be. And Your petitioners shall ever pray &c.
Phil. Nov. 14, 1763.
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Updated: 20 September 2005