- A short, reliable report from the church of the Unitas Fratrum...
from the
Church of the Brethren
§ I
The Bohemian-Moravian Church of Brethren stems from those Brethren who
were given sanctuary by the King of Bohemia, George Podiebrad on his land
near Lititz and the Schlessigian border, out of his own will and love,
and also in response to the request of the Archbishop of Prague in the
year 1457, AD. This was done in order that the Brethren could serve God
in peace and stillness and to protect them from their enemies after they
separated from the Taborites over the matter of defending religion with
weapons and declared their prayer for the one violence by Christians against
their enemies.
§ II
They called themselves Brethren after the manner of the first Christians.
Because they were Bohemians and Moravians,
outsiders called them the Bohemian and Moravian Brethren and, after the
Waldenses fled persecution and joined their nation, they were also called
Waldenses. Due to the fact that they also sought protection in Prussia,
Poland, England, Würtenberg and Sachsen and left members there, it
soon became impossible to gather all of these groups under one name: The
Bohemian-Moravian-Welsh-Polish-German- and English Brethren. Thus, instead
of claiming any one nation in their name, they compiled all these groups
under the beloved name, Fratrum Unitatis, or, The Unity of Brethren,
which had already been in use for 300 years. This is the name that, according
to the Act of the Parliament of Great Britain, they will continue to use.
In other lands, particularly in Thur-Sachsen, they are also known as the
Evangelical Brethren, as the Evangelical Directorial-Ministerio,
according to the most merciful Assecuration of 1750.
We do not consider it possible to report anything reliable or special
about their first origins because it was the fate of all the old, truthful
constitutions to be lost in a night of uncertainty, due either to the
nature of things, or through the might and craft of their enemies. In
the meantime, it has been discovered and placed above all doubt that the
church at Lititz, which bloomed fifty years before the Reformation, was
a Slavic congregation which came from the historic Bulgarian Christians
and from the Greek Church. It has also been confirmed that they managed
to keep the religion free of the superstition, the mistakes, and the national
maxims which plagued their mother church and that this made them the only
lasting public and octroyrte Evangelical church at that time. One who
wishes to know more of that, and of how these beloved people fared before
as well as after the Reformation
will be able to find all that is to be expected of such materials in
the Lafitii and Comenii histories of the Bohemian Brethren, in Saligs
history of the Augsburg Confession, and in Riegers Salzbund of the Bohemian
§ IV
We know from these sources that the Bohemian-Moravian Brethren are, in
both their origins as well as their geographic situation, oriental Christians
and that the Occidental, or Latin, Church attempted to rein them in, before
as well as after the Reformation. After quite a few centuries of brave
resistance, the Latin Church was finally able to remove the threat with
the help of the violent reforming of the empires of Bohemia and Moravia
in this last century. Also contributing to the triumph of the Latin Church
was the gradual decline of their fellow Protestant Brethren, some of whom
fled their fatherlands to found colonies, and some of whom remained quiet
and protected for a long time in their fatherlands until they could, in
our time, freely leave the land.
Further, we know that the Lititz Church received the Episcopal Ordination
and Succession directly from the Waldenses, and that, soon thereafter,
they were received in Bohemia and Moravia following the persecution and
scattering of the Waldenses. During this inquisition the last bishop,
Stephanus, was brought to Vienna and burned. After this, they the Lititz
Church committed themselves as a single group, along with the assorted
peoples whom holy providence, through the doctrinal reformation, enabled
to come into existence.
§ V
We also know that the Brethren sent many representatives to Luther and
that they were in constant
contact through letters. He professed a liking for them, and allowed
their creed to be published in Wittenberg in 1533, along with his own
preamble and approval of their creed. He allied himself with them and
persisted with the federation until his death. He disagreed, brotherly
but not masterfully, with what he saw as a canon that was too restricted.
Following his example, his successors were very fond of the Brethren and
held them in high regard. Even though there were many quarrels in the
area concerning proselytization from both sides, for which they were attacked
in polemic papers by Morgenstern and Hederich. These opponents had so
few successors that almost all church records which pertain to the ecclesiastical
chapter of the Brethren agree that they were loved, honored, and held
up to their respective communities of descendents as examples. This was
especially true after Doctor Speners' idea of establishing the Ecclesiolis
in Ecclesia plantandis was accomplished.
The Brethren had their most plentiful and truest connections to the Reformed
Church, regardless of their basic principles, as both strove to understand
one another. Calvin also held them in high esteem and recognized them
as brothers in faith. He loved, not just in words, but in deed and truth,
their canon law and took as much of it as he was able to and introduced
it in his church. He also, with great sincerity, suggested, together with
other reformed theologians, that the Polish of the Swiss confession unify
themselves with the Brethren from the Polish branch of the Unity of the
Brethren. This finally happened in 1570 when the famous Consensu Sendomiriensi
was enacted.
The connection with the Church of England, in existence since the time
of Wycliffe (whose lovely letter to Johann Huß is still available)
was still active, so that the Brethren helped to rewrite the Anglican
Church laws and, in 1549 appointed Johannes
a Lasco from Poland to the position of superintendent for all foreign
Protestants in London, and gave him the handsome Augustinian Church. Johannes
Amos Comenius, the last bishop of the Moravian sect, dedicated his chronicles
and organization of the Church of the Brethren to King Carl dem Andern
and, in a short note to the Church of England, specifically advised the
church, and also to his dear mother that the English theologian Bennet,
by the order of Kind George the First and his secret council, declared
the church to be an evangelical Episcopal church in two sermons which
were held and printed in London and Lambeth. They also internalized this
affect during their time of need in 1716.
§ VI
A trustworthy account of how this church, which literally disappeared
before the eyes of man, was resurrected and appeared in Germany, England,
and other countries is to be found in the texts of the Brethren, especially
those in the Büdingen Collection. Christian David was the Caleb who
led these Children of the Promise (as he liked to call them) to Oberlaufiz.
This happened in 1722, approximately one hundred years after the fall
of the Moravians. The first were Catholics, or Calixtinians, who had converted
to Evangelical religion and were in search of a sanctuary. They were referred
and directed by good friends to Count Zinzendorf. After a futile attempt
to accommodate them elsewhere, the man, guided by Christian love and charity,
could not refuse them
and did not want to restrict them from settling on his land near Bertholdsdorf.
This settlement, below Huthberg, which is on the main road to Prague,
finally became the famous town of Herrnhut. The direct descendants of
the Moravian Brethren came to Herrnhut between 1724 and 1733 and the population
grew very quickly so that, in conjunction with the Bohemian emigration
crisis occurring in the same time period, Count Zinzendorf, at obviously
great risk to his own person, found it necessary to travel to Moravia
in 1726 to speak with the Cardinal Bishop of Olmutz and his Ministerio.
Both sides agreed that it would not be a good idea to get involved with
the Bohemian converts or to support the agitation of the people in Moravia.
However, it was decided that those living in what are known to be old
Moravian Brethren villages near Fulneck* ,
and who wished to leave of their own free will, should be allowed to leave.
Both sides agreed to handle the matter peacefully and without the aid
of a mediator.
They were thereafter taken into different lands and established congregations
in Thur-Sachsen, Brandenburg, Schlessen, Vogtland, on the Rhein, in Holland,
England, and Ireland, all of which were recognized by the high officials.
It was mostly in America, especially due to the English Brethren, that
settlements were established. Settlements were even established among
heathens whom no one could take in. According to gossip, some of these
missionaries had missions rich in blessings that still failed. The Brethren,
predominately at the request of these heathens proceeded to seek and receive
the treasure of Episcopal ordination, inherited from their forefathers,
from the bishops of the Polish Church of the Brethren.
So is the story of the origins and progress of the Unity. The Unity had
been investigated and was not evicted by any of the Evangelical kings
or princes. What is more, they were recognized and accepted on the basis
of official tests, often following reprimandable quarrels, in those areas
where they settled or where they were known due to only a few encounters.*
This was especially true in the English empire, as well as those places
where the Brethren settled in large numbers. In 1736 the Archbishop of
Canterbury, John Potter, suggested to the trustees of the colony of Georgia
that they take some of the Brethren of Herrnhut with them as members of
an apostolic and Episcopal community in order to convert the Indians and
the Negroes. This community would adhere to all 39 Articles of the English
Church. Potter also wrote a beautiful letter congratulating Count Zinzendorf
on his Episcopal consecration in 1739, and in this letter he called the
Church of the Brethren Sanctam vereque illustrem Cathredram
cum pura primaevaque fide primaevam etiam Ecclesiae Disciplnam constanter
adhuc tuentem. In 1749 the Parliament released a report fueled by
their investigation that declared the Church of the Brethren an old, protestant,
orthodox church. In addition, they drafted a law for the empire with the
full consent of the bishops that clearly outlined what kind of people
were permissible under this title.
After this historical introduction, we come to the teachings of the Brethren.
It is nobly perceived that they regard the Bible as pure in its own state,
without modern decoration and, as Paul said,
without making it more attractive through lies. For there is no other
work that can equal or surpass the teachings of the treasure of all treasures,
the book of all books, the beginning and the thread of all Theosophy,
Theology, Praxis, and the emotion of a child of God. They adopt the Holy
Text, in all things and in all intentions, as the only law and guide for
the true teaching. While other theologians strive to seek, to find, and
to make a lesson or meaning out of these texts, the Brethren take everything
Greek: according to the spoken, so as it is written, so will I read it.
What is contained therein is true for them, just as the outer world is
true for them. The Brethren believe things that others must find contradictory
by their logic, except for by tedious exertion to save the Bible, the
Brethren believe.
They then professed an adherence to the unaltered Augsburg Confession
which, in the eyes of the Brethren, was in keeping with the Bohemian Confession,
to which the Polish Brethren still hold true. The Bohemian Confession
was overseen in 1535 by King Ferdinand, and has been approved many times
by the Mittenbergers. Everything that the Augsburg Confession refers to
as the teaching, which it summarizes in 20 articles and closes with the
words, "this is the sum of all our teachings," is also the Thesis
and Symbolum doctrinale of the Brethren. They also used
the Synod of Bern, especially the first 18 chapters pertaining to Homiletic,
as a part of their Methodo dogmatica in preaching, and this without entering
the controversy between the two groups and without facing the consequences
of this controversy. The Synod of Bern was not a confession but a pastoral
instruction. Both of these texts were used in church songs, which sounded
almost exactly like the originals.
| 9-16 | 17-22 | 23-31
| 32-40 | 41-48
| 49-57 | 58-66
| 67-68 | 69-70
| 71-72 | 73-74
| 75-76 | 77-78
| 79-80