- A short, reliable report from the church of the Unitas Fratrum...
At sunrise on Easter morning everywhere, the Brethren
care for and visit the graves of their deceased Brothers and Sisters,
in the fashion of the oriental church. They call this the Easter Liturgy,
during which the names of all of the Brethren of the community, and some
from other places, who have gone to sleep since the last Easter are read
from the Diptycho. They are introduced to the eternal unity and
are prayed for. The solemnity and liturgical beauty of this ceremony would
be hard for any other Christian persuasion to find fault with the Brethren.
Out of concern for the bodies of their fellow Brethren, they keep Gods
Acre in a more orderly and delicate manner than anyplace else. It is a
garden arranged and planted for the Lord, a kind of inheritance funeral
that was given for the patriarch Abraham, but instead for their fellow
Brethren. One of their wishes comes from the old Lutheran song:
Dein Lieb ein Raeumlein goenn bey seiner Brueder Grab,
Damit er seine Ruh an ihrer Seite hab.
[Let your body be as a small room at his grave, so
that he may have his peace at your side.]
In the 21st year of the reign of our sovereign
ruler George II, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland by the grace
of God, and defender of the faith and the Propogationes begun and
upheld by the Parliament, which will continue until the 29th
of November 1748 A.D. as the second session of the current Parliament,
the following was proclaimed in Westminster on the 10th of
November 1747 A.D.
An Act inviting those known as the Unitas Fratrum
or the United Brethren to settle in
his Majestys colonies in North America.
Following this invitation, many members of the
church and congregations of the Unitas Fratrum, or, the United
Brethren, settled in his Majestys colonies in America and lived
there as a quiet, diligent, and decent people. Many others of the same
type came to these colonies as well, intending to found larger establishments
at their own cost, yet with total freedom of belief and religious practice.
Some of these like-minded brethren thought about swearing fealty and taking
up arms, or personally entering into military service. They were also
willing and ready to pay a sum of money to protect and uphold his Majesties
person and reign. These communities were deemed to belong to the old Protestant,
Episcopal Church and were protected and mercifully recognized by the Queen
of England, his Majesties predecessor. This invitation for all the named
peoples to settle themselves in America was hoped to populate the colonies.
His Majesty has deigned to grant the request placed
in the name of the United Brethren, called the Moravian Church, and in
the names of Abraham, Baron of Gersdorf, Louis, Baron of Schrautenbach,
the free lords of Lindheim, David Nitschmann, Carl Schachmann, Baron from
Hermsdorf, and Heinrich Cossart. In addition, his Royal Majesty, with
the advice and affirmation of the spiritual and worldly lords and officials
gathered in the current Parliament has decreed that, on the 24th
day of June in the year 1749, each of the persons
who is a member of the Unitas Fratrum, or the United Brethren,
who used to live in Moravia and Bohemia, and then in Prussia, Poland,
Schlesien, Lausitz, Germany, the Netherlands, and also as Protestants
in his Majesties realm, and is a member of the Episcopal church cannot
be pressed into swearing fealty or oaths, even in situations where the
lord has a right to call for oaths of fealty. Instead of using the normal
format, their agreement or affirmation can be given with the following
I,______, affirm in the presence of the almighty God,
that what I say is the truth.
This celebratory affirmation suffices, according
to our decree, in all courts and places where oaths are required, in the
kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in all colonies and communities
of his Majesty in America. It shall be accepted in place of the customary
In addition, by the authority formerly mentioned,
if one is convicted of knowingly affirming or agreeing to something which
is false, or of being deceitful, in the same manner as someone swearing
an oath would be convicted of knowingly swearing to something that is
false or deceitful, then that person is subject to the same physical and
monetary punishments as an oath swearing individual would be,
according to the rules and laws of the region.
It is herewith decreed that, according to this
Act, no one from the so-called Moravian or United Brethren churches and
communities is capable of giving testimony in a criminal case, or sitting
on a jury. The opposite could be understood in this Act, if we do not
declare this point.
It is further decreed that anyone who is a member
of this church or community, who lives in one of his Majesties colonies
in America, and who is called into military or war service after the 24th
of June, 1749 A.D. should be released of this duty by the Governeur,
or the lead general of the colony or province where one is called to duty.
This can also be done by the officer who has mustered the troops. It is
required that those who wish to be free of such duties pay a specified
amount of money, which will be recognized as ones personal contribution
just as donations of money or goods are recognized from other residents
of the colonies or provinces who, due to age, sex, or other weaknesses
cannot serve.
To prevent all doubt about whether or not individuals
belong to this church, this authority decrees that every person who is
a member of
this church that wishes to make use of the rights
granted in this Act must obtain a certificate from the nearest bishop
or priest at the time of making such a claim. They will be examined on
the contents of the certificate and its execution. Those who have, to
the best of their knowledge, obtained a certificate in the correct manner,
or who have reliable witnesses as to the above mentioned certificate being
filled out by such a bishop or priest and therewith asserts that they
are indeed a member of this church and have been seen to be such, are
eligible to claim these rights.
It is further decreed that if one knowingly attempts
to obtain false or deceitful certificates, or claims to be a member of
the church when, in reality, such an affirmation is false, one will be
subject to all physical and monetary punishments as an oath breaker would
be, under the laws and rules of the region in which one lives.
In order to know if such bishops and priests who
sign these certificates under the name of the Unitas Fratrum or
the United Brethren really belong to these churches, it is decreed that
the current Advocatus of the named church or community of the United
Brethren keep an
index of all of the bishops who are allowed to bestow
such certificates in the archives of the commercial and colonial Collegio.
Copies of their handwriting and insignia should be kept with the index.
The Advocatus should periodically update the names, signatures,
and insignias in the manner described above for those bishops who are
initiated and deployed. The names of priests who have been given the power
to issue such certificates in his Majesties colonies in America by bishops
or the Advocatus should be sent to the archives of the commercial
and colonial Collegio.
Finally, as decreed by the aforementioned authority,
it is announced that this Act is recognized publicly as a part of the
laws of the kingdom and should be revered and accepted as such by all
judges, judges of the peace, and citizens of the kingdom, even when it
does not specifically affect them.
I Ordination of a Bishop in the Unity of
the Brethren in London
AAA. Three Bischops wearing white with red sashes.
B. The Ordinandus of the laying on of hands.
CC. Pastores and Diaconi
DD. The Brothers and Sisters of the Congregation
II Acceptance into the Brethren
A. The Pastor who leads (verrichtet) the liturgy
B.B. The Pastors and Deacons accepting the new
Brothers with the Holy Kiss.
C.C.The Deaconesses accepting the new Sisters
in the same way.
DD The Brothers and Sisters of the Congregation
| 9-16 | 17-22
| 23-31 | 32-40
| 41-48 | 49-57
| 58-66 | 67-68 | 69-70
| 71-72 | 73-74
| 75-76 | 77-78
| 79-80