- A short, reliable report from the church of the Unitas Fratrum...
§ XV
The castle or house where the Advocatia Fratrum has its archive,
where their top officials live, where, customarily, the tri-annual Synodus
generalis is held, and from which current business is executed is
called the Vogtshof. From 1738 AD until 1747 AD this was located at the
Marienborn Castle, then at the fort at Lindheim, both of which are in
Wetterau, and later at the castle Zeyst, near Utrecht. In 1749, after
the famous Parliament Act of the land of Great Britain, the Vogtshof was
brought to the old residence of the Count of Lindsay on the Thames River,
about one hour away from London. This was done because Great Britain is
where the Unity had most thoroughly established itself, where it had its
archive, and from which it could most easily oversee and care for its
communities and its missions to the heathens. The Countess von Zinzendorf,
whose soul had been awakened, was the actual house mother for the communities,
institutions, settlements, and missions, a position to which she was rightfully
elevated in 1722 by her lord. Due to this fact, the beloved Sachsen had
already been a resting place for returning messengers and rotating workers
for 30 years. Hence, most often, it was from this spot that what was best
for the Brethren was done.
The Vogtshof is separated from the so-called pilgrims' house, also known
as the disciples house, which serves as a hostel and retreat for the disciples
of the Lord. The disciples house has a collateral council, which was the
original name of the Ordinarii and Advocati Fratrum at that
time. The council stems from a long tradition of Lord and Count estates,
and has allied itself through espousal with various important estates
which established inheritance Nexum[s] with the Church of the Brethren.
The Seniores Politici belong to the Vogtshofe. Such Magistrates the old
Church of the Brethren selected from among the landed gentry (Herren Stande)
and, with the laying on of hands, entrusted them with the direction of
the external affairs of the Church. In the new Congregation, beginning
in 1745 A.D., since then they have expanded considerably and become involved
with many landed gentry and their Ministeriis, it became necessary to
further implement middlemen for that purpose. They are supervisors over
those matters, which do not have to do directly with the realm of souls,
and they have to see, that everything is properly and faithfully done.
They direct all the community courts at home and appoint the agents among
the outsiders.
With full consent from the Prussian kings, this arrangement is also accepted
by the Vogt and Syndicate of the church, who are now living heads of that
same being. It is identified through this quality of all powers that contract
with the Church of the Brethren. However, he* does not have the slightest
inclination towards any of these arrangements, and it was only the unwillingness
of the community to give in and the demands of day to day life that held
him up. He is daily awaiting and working toward his freedom. Fifteen years
ago, he threw down his name and title, and in the midst of the community
he assumed an inconspicuous identity, within which he awaited his calling
as much in Evangelical Christendom as among the heathen. He also attended
the domestic and internal affairs of the Church of the Brethren, not as
the one object of his calling, but as just one piece of it. He had arranged
everything, so that he could be absent in the outer part. In tender beloved
poverty and lowliness, unnamed and unknown, he could become like his Lord.
They are presented to the regional and local leaders, to whom settlements
of the Brethren and communities are answerable, and their affairs are
organized according to their proportions at the disposal of the authorities
and the Brethren. They act with the power of a special Privilegii granted
by the ecclesiastical court, or the Consistoriis, and with full
power of the world council and its decrees. In certain lands that are
ruled by law, when a conflict between their incumbency and the law is
apparent, they are sent in to simplify their own commission. They are
also sent to bring a number of rights and land experts and state accredited
legal consultants into their council. This is done to maintain the freedom
of belief for the Brethren, without coming into conflict with the regional
What a bishop is and what a bishops office is can be seen in the epistles
of Timothy and Titus: they are inducted in the Synodo generali,
where many candidates are nominated and heartily and unanimously
selected. They are sanctified in their office, in the congregation
of God, given the power to ordain priests, and the keys to bind and to
absolve. Everything else that a high attendant or overseer should have
is trusted to them, and they are kept in control by their Presbyterium:
the collateral council of the elders, the priests, and the Diaconis.
Bishops who have been assigned to whole regions of the world are called
Catholici by the Brethren; Lutherans would call it a general superintendent.
They are introduced, one in the eastern and the other in the western region
of the world, by the Ordinario Fratrum.
Of these, the Chor Episcopi from the (Greek) area have the responsibility,
much as a Diocensani or a land Inspectores is supervisor
of their province, to divinely direct the family of God in their region.
A family of God is understood to be one, two, or even more house fathers
with their children and domestics who, in this last sorrowful time have
taken it upon themselves to serve the Lord in the event of an apostasy.
They remain in their regions and homelands as long as they are able. When
it is clear that it is no longer possible, they will be come pilgrims
of the earth and will move to the communities of the Brethren. They will
only receive an Episcopal order to do so when this is necessary, and never
Bishops who have been released from the responsibilities of their office
due to age, disease, or other handicaps are called Emeriti, or,
old bishops.
They are called honorable, beloved Brother by their people and do not
receive a salary. If they cannot provide for themselves then their most
basic necessities will be provided for. This amount will not surmount
the needs of any other Ordinarius loci, a supervising preacher,
Liturgus or pastor from the community, and his Diaconus,
or, helper.
Like Lutheran or Reformed clergyman, they do not have any special
vestments. If the community demands it, they wear black, but they do not
wear collars. The bishops are not to be distinguished except that they
wear their own hair and that they customarily, but not by rule, wear a
violet cap to cover their head. At ordinations they wear a white robe
with a red sash. However, because the Consecrator at each Evening
Service wears the same, one cannot call this the Episcopal vestments.
The white choir robes have been worn in Lutheran lands for quite some
time. The Moravian Brethren, who have never wanted to show off, found
something respectable and comfortable about these robes. Because their
teachers were in the habit of wearing ordinary clothing, they took up
this manner of dress which was commonplace church attire near Bertholdsdorf.
This was done in the most respectful way, and in that way which was most
appropriate to the goal, in a celebratory meeting. Because they do not
all wear black clothing, and because even fewer wear the pastoral robes,
they bind their robes with a white or a red sash. This symbolizes Christ's
appearance in a golden sash in Revelations 1:13. He had wrapped the community
around him like a decoration. In his community, the justice of his blood
is in the sash on his girth.
§ XX
Those individuals who comprise the collateral council of the disciples
house, the bishops and the Ordinarii of each settlement are called
the Presbyteri, or, the Elders. They must have the years and the
experience to organize the internal order of the community in choirs and
classes, with the best for each individual in mind. One can have the most
important office of all, and still not belong to this Collegio.
An Economy is the servant of God, who has had the way of the path of
the Lord in sight since the beginning when the land where the economy
was established was settled. The economy knows the ways of the Lord, and
takes every opportunity to take a vote in the land, and when it is negative
or decisive, then we accept the counsel and what is decided against is
left undone. Such persons [Economy] are not put in place by people, does
not need outer or clerical consecration, but they are recognized by their
preparation by the Holy Spirit, and its evidence is in their soul and
their power. The Economy's experience and its evidence is warmly recognized
by the congregation and its workers.
The main role of the Economy is to protect the separation of the Brethren
from the religion of the land, to stand against the encroachment of the
common and bad places, and to ensure that the Diaspora* the children
of God, who are connected in one soul to the Church of the Brethren do
not cease and do not lose themselves in a visible body, which one calls
the common places, or small villages. To this end, using all of its credit,
an Oeconomus is created to provide for protection, teaching, and
nourishing in the land where it is located. It is loved by everyone and
recognized as righteous. The main goal is to forego upsetting the awakening
souls in the Diaspora and to let them live quietly and still in
their lands and towns, and let them honestly nurture themselves.
The ordinationes in the Church of the Brethren happen at the end
of the Synodi, using the customary church litany, after specially
enunciated intercessions for the office, and usually after a speech of
Consecratoris presented by those in the office. A laying on of
hands takes place, and prayers and blessings are directed towards those
being ordained. The bishops are usually ordained by three of their peers.
The Chor Episcopo can ordain a Catholicus together with
a Chor-Episcopo. The Seniores politici are consecrated by
the bishops, the Ordinarii from the Chor Episcopis, the
Diaconi of a bishop and the Archi-Diaconi, who is always
a minister.
However, they also have Diaconissas, of the female gender, who
care for outer order and propriety, just as the Diaconi care for
their own. These same are not only consecrated,
they are supported in their work by the oldest of their gender. This
is because the apostle Paul declared the Jewish degradation of the female
gender to be repealed.
Besides the ordinations, the Litany also provides for the acceptance
of such persons who have set their minds to working for God in their community
but who do not hold an office. The call of the Holy Ghost to workers
minds (as the Church of England calls it), as well as their competence
and loyalty is tested before the service they are offering is accepted
in front of the congregation and sealed with a handshake. This is an announcement
of what appears to be a self-initiating yet humble willingness and readiness
to act at the slightest beck. Such persons were already called Aculuthi
in the old Church of the Brethren, (from [Greek], to follow) and would
have some similarities to the proponents in the Reformed Church and the
candidates in the Lutheran Church. It is, however the acceptance which
carefully distinguishes them.
The canon law of the church, which is demanded as a necessity in
the Canonibus of all churches, is at this time not fully integrated
into the Unity. The Ordinarius Fratrum holds to the short concept
which the Redeemer gave in Matt. XVIII as the best rule for founding a
church. They have been, however, since then, not to be changed. The established
form for founding a canon rests on many different rules which are, in
all cases, precedents. This is so that they will not apply anything out
of insufficient notice of all circumstances of a case, either elusive
or unjust, or without the Spirit. Under this law, every Ordinarius
loci, with the help of his Presbyteri, observes his congregation,
lands, and affairs and enacts the order and canon which best fits the
congregation. This order and canon is used as a force to better the community,
but it has a second function which is to protect the community from misuse
of the freedom of Christianity and the large amount of freedom of belief
within that, as well as to protect them from the anger of those who are
outsiders. Yet all this is done with caution, so that they do not do anything
aggravating. To this end, they have decided from the beginning that all
matters dealing only with the soul, whether one is naturally drawn towards
good or whether one must be forced into doing good, he is not yet fully
aware of his faults or of the value of the thing and this affects his
actions. Nothing will be expected of him, which he does not already possess.
Within the community, especially through the organization of the choirs,
all that is possible to prevent one from straying is done. If, however,
someone should stray in the matters that the worldly officials do not
care about, he will fall, according to the circumstances and his own personal
mindset, in a shallow or a deep hole, so that they will be able to guide
him to wellness, honestly and thoroughly. Seducers will always be sent
out of the community, following the guidelines of their litany: All seducers
should be removed from your people! Bring all of the errant and seduced
back into the fold! This is perhaps where the contradictory reports came
from, which say that some of the laws ( of which none equal the harshness
of the old Canonum) are harsh and sharp. In the case of seducers,
this is not a lie. The manner of dealing with the errant and the seduced,
which are not prohibited but conserved and healed, has caused those with
the office of sheparding the souls to be accused of being too lax and
mild, especially in certain towns where the officials did not know to
deal with secular problems in this way.
As far as how the external church structure is different from others
is concerned, that should be enough. In Vita communi,
or in the secular life and house the society is pastoral and moral. They
avoid all complications, choosing instead to live as simple, honest folk
with the deed which is recognized in the hearts of all humans. They would
like to be distinguished from others as rather remarkable due to this
way of life.
In most of their congregations and settlements, established far from
other cities and towns, they have a community court that is under the
direction of the Senioris politici. The court is a sub-court
established to ease the job of the Collegiis of the local lord.
It is made up of the most acceptable and judicious residents of the community
who arrange, judge, and, without process, reconcile all that pertains
to secular life, handling, and advancement.
These same people, together with the artesian or guild masters, make
sure that each artesian receives work, that everyone is doing something
efficient, that no one is getting in the way of another, and that no one
is endangering the entire handling system with prices that are too high
or too low. The apprentices, after being tested for some time, are inducted
into the community court at a monthly artisan conference. If they have
learned their skill thoroughly, they will be absolved without rambling
customs. The single members will live in their choir houses and will work
there, when the artisans allow it. They will have the apprentices in their
choir house to supervise.
| 9-16 | 17-22
| 23-31 | 32-40 | 41-48
| 49-57 | 58-66
| 67-68 | 69-70
| 71-72 | 73-74
| 75-76 | 77-78
| 79-80