- A short, reliable report from the church of the Unitas Fratrum...
sich JESU treues Weib, die Creuz, Gemeine,
mit dem Leibe der für sie abgechlachten Lieb in diesem Augenblick
begrueb! [Oh that Jesus loyal wife, the congregation, has buried
the cross along with the body that he sacrificed for them!]
1. After everyone has received his
part, the communal consumption takes place in one moment after the following
words are spoken: Das thut zu meinem Gedaechtniss! [Do this in remembrance
of me] The response that follows these words is Gemeine, zittre heiliglich,
der Tod des Lamms durchgehet dich! [Congregants, tremble,
for the death of the Lamb passes through you!]. During this time, the
congregation is kneeling or lying on their face, which is known as Prostratio,
or the adoration. This practice is also common on other occasions.
2. After they have returned to their
feet the congregation shares the Kiss of Peace, with the words Das unbeflekte
Passah-Fleisch, das mach dir Leib und Seele Feuscht! [The untarnished
Passover Lamb (flesh) renders your body and soul moist.]
3. Then a liturgy that is indescribable
is sung about the body of Jesus
4. Following the Liturgy, a Testament
to his blood is begun, usually with the verse Da man hatt zur Vesper-Zeit
die Schaecher zerbrochen, ward Jesus in seine Seit mit einem Speer gestochen:
daraus Blut und Wasser rann. [As one had broken the accused by dusk, Jesus
was pierced in the side with a spear. Blood and water ran out.] The goblet
is consecrated with the appropriate words and is given to the oldest present
5. With the assistance of the Diaconen
the goblet is passed from one neighbor to another as a liturgy of passion
songs about the holy blood is sung.
6. In conclusion a decorous response
consisting of the Kiss of Peace and blessing is accorded from one neighbor
to another and
7. The candidates, when there are
such, for admittance to the Holy Sacraments are confirmed.
If the communion was held at midday,
a final evening service is held. If the communion was celebrated in the
evening, then a morning service is held. These services are usually a
mixture of communion songs that contain some measure of influential material.
Those who are forced to remain at home due to official
duties or other complications receive the communion without the repeated
consecration when the others are done or the next morning. This is called
the Post-communion and the infirm receive it in their rooms from a Diacono.
Except for the general communion days the infirm do not receive the
The brethren believe that the Savior introduced the
Pedilavio, or the foot washing, via the Testament, not just as
an act of an act of love and worship, but also as a way to clean ones
(*) However, they only perform this ceremony in congregations that are
fully equipped. All communicants take part. It is not performed at every
communion, but on Maundy Thursday and at other times when necessary. First,
a speech is given explaining the use and purpose of this action. Then,
a collective response prepared especially for the occasion from John 13
is sung along with many song verses. During this time, the priests lay
the hands of absolution on the populace. Approximately twelve laborers
who have been assigned to wash feet begin to wash the feet of the same
number of Brethren. The feet are dried with a towel, and the
wash is complete with kiss. The priest performs the
Liturgy and repeats the appropriate responses for each row. In the same
manner, the eldest or the Diaconess, in the presence of a priest who reads
the Liturgy, performs this ritual for the Sisters.
The Brethren hold Agapes, or Love Feasts, at various
opportunities just as it was done in the first church. These feasts are,
in fact, nothing more than very moderate meals. These meals are meant
to cheer and fill the community with the Spirit, not to be used as excuses
for gorging on food. Even so they are generally larger and more generous
than the typical family meal. In order that they do not degenerate into
either embarrassingly meager or frustratingly wasteful occasions, the
type of food and drink, namely bread and tea, is stipulated. In addition,
regulated communities bake the bread with extra diligence to distinguish
it from other breads. There are, however
1. Love Feasts held on different occasions
that do not have any other specific time.
2. House Love Feasts when the head
of a house that is of a generous nature organizes a simultaneous Agape
for all of the house members on certain days such as the Sabbath or on
Sundays instead of the normal meal. Such heads of house do not begrudge
their people a few hours of festivities.
3. Festival and church Love Feasts
are held for example on Maundy Thursday, Char Friday, important Sabbaths,
memorial days, and before or after the Holy Communion. At these communions,
the Brethren usually have wine and water. Because certain individuals
from other churches
wanted to take these Agapes before the Holy Communion.
The Brethren added the customary drink to it.
During the daily meetings the holy text is read and
discussed. The Brethren use the translation that is most often used in
the region where they reside. They await, almost child like, a more developed
compilation comprised of many different Bible translations, some of which
are well-advised versions. The Brethren have received Bibles in many different
languages. They eagerly and diligently read the Bible, openly and in private,
and some of them are so well versed in its contents that they have almost
memorized whole parts of it.
For a speech or sermon, they usually combine specific
verses from the Bible with explanatory passages from the songbook. This
they call the application and text. These applications are daily words
of encouragement, mostly from the Old Testament, with memorial passages,
promises, warnings, punishments and comforts. These began in 1729 A.D.
The texts are words to teach and to warn, mostly taken out of the New
Testament. They began in 1736 A.D. with the speech of the Savior. Following
that, the description of the Savior, called the Lamb of God, from the
mouths of the Prophets and Apostles, his description of his own character,
and annotations from other writings were used. These texts, like some
of the applications, were repeated in various years. Out of these
texts came such daily texts as the Ethica Sacra, or biblical
ethics, the Liturgia Biblica, or the texts which are spiritually
near God in their especially merciful actions toward and revelations to
his people, in both the old and new covenant. In addition, the biblical
name of the Savior
and of his bride, the Church are explained.
Three years worth of texts from the five books of
Moses, Joshua and Judges up to Samuel, in their natural order, had not
yet appeared in the applications. It is assumed that this will be continued
throughout the entire Old Testament. Finally, the texts from the independent
truth, the Holy Ghost. Applications for children have begun to be created
from old and new church songs, short prayers, and collections for use
by the institution.
The word institution, which was probably preferred
by the fore-fathers because it was meant to render the word pia cause
obsolete, is usually used by the Brethren to indicate a school or a meeting
of children who live, learn, sleep, and are saved together. The term orphanage,
which also carried a rather unsavory perception, was completely eradicated
by the Brethren. The real orphans are brought among the poor children,
among the children of laborers and messengers who are waking the spirits
of heathens or residents of other towns, or who are working and cannot
have their children with them nor raise them, and among children from
outlying areas. All of the children are raised together in the institutions
and Paedagaogiis.
The Brethren have already decided many times,
and have also made it well known, that they, due to many different circumstances,
wished to cease accepting children from other towns, especially children
for whose education they are not directly responsible. They have, through
indemnities and other methods, made it as difficult as possible for parents,
yet they have not been able to dissuade everyone. The strong pressure
and forlorn pleas of the parents is the strongest
proof from outside sources that the Brethren must
have developed a very strong constitution within these schools which one
cannot easily find fault in. Especially noteworthy is that, in their Paedegogiis,
young men from the families of counts, lords, and burghers, both native
and foreign, are taught so much in all kinds of necessary and useful sciences
that they could even do without the academies. We cannot and do not want
to say more about the institutions, especially about their internal, personal
constitutions. Such revelations do not serve to clarify the situation,
nor are they comfortable for the leaders of the institutions. These leaders
are not so much understood by outsiders as they are admired and observed
in an attempt to copy them.
When those who have devoted themselves to knowledge
finish their Studia, do not want to enter the university, and are
not required at home, they enter the academy. After three years of studying
there, they enter the Seminarium of the Brethren, which has grown
to over three hundred members since its beginning in 1730 A.D. Various
Moravian Brothers, over one hundred Lutheran candidates from approximately
fifteen academies, and several fifties of Anglican and other Reformed
believers make up the membership. Some of them, after years of loyal service,
are already retired, while others of them still hold offices. More still
are being prepared by the Seminarium for positions within the church.
They study mostly Theology, in a more practical and homiletic style than
systematically, as well as the old languages and church history, all under
the guidance of a Decani and his helpers. They search their own
hearts and discover their callings, waking it from within themselves.
They are called to become either preceptors and
catechumen in other Evangelical churches, or to fulfill
roles within the Church of the Brethren, or to become missionaries of
all kinds.
The heathen missions are a simple execution of
the decision made by the Brethren in the 1600s, after they received Luthers
heartfelt admonition that they should not confine themselves to Bohemia,
but should instead learn other languages in order to convert the heathens.
In most locations, the Brethren were summoned
by either the heathens themselves, or by the ruling body of the land in
which the mission lays. Because the latter was usually due to some ulterior
motives that the Brethren could not fulfill, they generally preferred
to be allowed to come rather than to be induced. A messenger to the heathens
is not elected. When a Synodus requires one or more messengers,
the Brothers who have a calling to be messengers volunteer to be sent.
A committee assesses their work and capabilities, dispatches them to their
posts, and sends deputies to check on their status. If there is an established
community in the area, then an Elder is sent to visit the mission. If
need be, the messenger will be called back. These messengers are humble
people whose coming and goings among the heathens do not cause a sensation.
They respond better to the difficulties of such a lifestyle than most
tender, educated folk and are more willing to work for their own subsistence.
They do not push the ideas of those who sent them, but are patient and
diligent when they have to wait a long time for the heathens to convert,
or even when they, having been unsuccessful, must depart. From the beginning,
the promise of a large conversion of heathens has not been rewarded; rather,
the importance has been placed on achieving first conversions of depth.
When they achieve this goal, they are even more thankful and are careful
to make sure that the converted heathens are
brought to a place as far away from other Christians
and heathens as possible in order to protect them from vexation. Due to
conditions which have proven painful many times over and which are quite
urgent, they do not offer very much information about their blessings
except for presenting themselves. They hope to protect their seeds from
being trampled by the enemy. They do not give out much, if any, information
about their blessings, except for the blessing itself. They have made
twenty five attempts in all parts of the world to announce the gospel
to people who have not yet heard the word, or to those who no longer remember
it. They have crossed the waters some thousands of times, sent almost
three hundred people to perform this duty, and brought almost five thousand
souls to the gospel. In this process, up to one hundred of these saints
have been buried on foreign land, their bones nurturing the lands where
they lay.
After we have described the canon law, public
worship services, and institutes of the Unity, one would expect to hear
something of the inner workings of the fully equipped communities. In
order to grant the care promised in the reception of individuals into
the community in an orderly, careful manner, in keeping with the best
interests of the members, the group is divided not only into two different
sexes, but also by degrees and age. Each group has its own Elders, caregivers,
and laborers. These divisions are called choirs, in the same sense as
the round dances in the Old Testament. The single members live separately
from the families in large houses that have been adapted to this use.
These houses are called choir houses. The younger or single Brothers have
such a house, and their neighbors are the widowers. At a seemly distance
from them is the house for the younger or single Sisters and, not very
far from them, is the choir house for the widows.
| 9-16 | 17-22
| 23-31 | 32-40
| 41-48 | 49-57 | 58-66
| 67-68 | 69-70
| 71-72 | 73-74
| 75-76 | 77-78
| 79-80