be earnestly sought after, and not deferred
to a dying bed.
From that time, one of her favorite hymns
was that, being with the verse: Let me dwell on Golgotha,
Weep and love my life away!
While I see him on the tree
Weep, and bleed, and die for me.
Another of her favorite hymns was this:
One there is above all others,
Who deserves the name of friend; etc.
Which hymn she had learnt by heart, and frequently
repeated with a peculiar emphasis.
But a very striking impression was made on
her hears, by reading and explaining the following hymn:
There is a fountain filled with blood,
Drawn from Immanuel's veins;
And sinners plunged beneath that flood
Lose all their guilty stains.
# #
The dying thief rejoiced to see
That fountain in his day;
And there have I as vile as he,
Wash'd all my sins away.
# #
E're since, by faith, I saw the stream
Thy flowing wounds supply,
Redeeming love had been my theme,
And shall be till I die.
# #
then in a nobler, sweeter song,
I'll sing they pow'r to save;
When this poor lisping, stamm'ring tongue
Lies silent in the grave.
She was favoured with a strong constitution,
and always enjoyed good health.
During the last month of September, and
beginning of the present month, when two of our daughters were afflicted
with a nervous fever, she felt happy when called upon to assist in attending
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